Is this the most fun twin fin we have designed ? The DCD Low Flyer has done the rounds with all the boys and the consistent feedback , its one of the fastest surfboards ever ridden . And you actually forget its a twin and just surf it as hard as you want , drawing different lines and turns !
The main point of difference is the flat deck line with the carbon kevlar stripes .
The deck line is flat then the rails taper into a step down bevelled rail .
"The flat deck line gives you stability in the short plan-shape but the bevelled rail allows you to bury it through your turns without it catching."
Combined with the single into double concave , with V , then add the little rear stabiliser .
"This surfboard absolute flies."
Order real short but add a few extra litres than your normal performance surfboard .
This will make you look at summer junky waves and little rips banks another dimension of fun !
The above image is off the Aku Shaping machine , just to give you an idea of the rocker and the profile, foil / Foam distribution on the Low Flyer .
Please note the bottom image is a pre-shape hence the swallow tail has not been shaped into the surfboard .
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