La Nina been here a long time now on the East Coast of Australia . Waves have been consistent but so has the wet weather and onshore winds . Been an unusual start to Autumn .
Water is still warm but all the run off has caused water colour to be really bad on the Gold Coast . And the onshore winds have produced a lot of weak straight swells with low period junky type waves .
Here is a little insight of what I have been riding and working on of late . I was enjoying my Have model so much I wanted a small wave grovel thruster outline so I made myself a 5'7 version of my go to Have model, with the fuller nose outline and slightly added volume , essentially small weak waves like these ones above and below we have had all week .
This is a good small wave versatile model which I generally recommend as a Step up alternate to your narrower style gun when you order it longer , but its also cool to know you can also adjust the dimensions down shorter and ride as a step down , if you like riding thrusters in weaker style waves.
I like riding thrusters or twin fin like the RP Twin when its shifty style low period waves , a lot like we get around the GC of late .
Its really easy to generate speed on this board and more importantly keep it . At first I didn't like this board but then I up the fin template to a JJF medium template , normally I ride the JJF small size in my standard thruster .
Just by changing up the fin size I was able to turn this board into one of my favourites for smaller waves .
Premium Construction Have in a 5'7 , and below in the USC range.
USC have 5'7 19 1/2 by 2 3/8 with funky blue green foam tint .
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