Looking for a surfboard that lasts longer , and will be a keeper in the quiver ? Check out our latest combination of organic material and high quality carbon .
Below is our latest combination of Black Hemp / Lyocell material on the deck combined with the USC Carbon rail , parabolic lay-up .
The Carbon is a slightly wider version than normal which is infused with a blue tint , its extra width and combination with the Organic Hemp material makes this one of the strongest most durable high performance surfboards available .
Heavy footed surfers or guys who have had a bad run with snapping or creasing boards should definitely take a good look at this combinations of materials.
Of course all surfboards can snap or crease , we don't claim or guarantee to build the indestructible surfboard , that would be ludicrous but we can go off history and many of our customers have had Formula Energy board last in the quiver for an average of double your standard performance shortboard , many longer .
And that just adds to another green factor , less landfill as every surfboard we make , we make to be keepers !
The blue Carbon is not standard but is available on custom orders , need anymore info email or contact us here ...
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