Can a resin tint actually improve how a surfboard goes ? Well lets take a look at why we think we have improved our laminating / glassing process just to give you that little extra edge in your surfing journey .
The obvious cool thing or benefit is the "colour" . Playing with colour-ways that allows you to make something unique and individual . And as most surfers agree coloured boards almost always go better . Ha !
The main thing when applying a resin tint by a quality laminator is the even pour required and meticulous way the board needs the resin spread evenly through the cloth to avoid blotchy patches or an uneven tint colour .
If you are applying a clear resin then you may not need to have as much attention to detail with the amount of resin and the "drier" / wetter areas on the board . As the process is somewhat simpler on the clear boards , but albeit glassing is a very hard and skilful job.
When doing a resin tint glass job an even pour is one of the critical aspects , to achieve a good looking board and nicely weighted surfboard .
Ok, so how does this relate to performance ?
Surfers in general like "lighter" board because lighter boards do often go better . (Above activated charcoal tint)
More important than weight though is the overall balance of the boards weight . "Let me explain".
A good board should feel neutral when you put it under your arm (Above white tint).
By "neutral" I mean , if you pick a board up and it feels heavier in the tail its one of the first things you notice . If can be really off putting . This is the problem of adding composites cloths or extra materials not only will they add weight but they also "dull" the flex patterns down of a surfboard blank , in essence the board will not go as good as a well glassed , well constructed lighter board with that "neutral centred weight" under the arm feel .
If the construction process is not well thought out , eg: type of blank , resins , lamination technique etc . Then you will get an unevenly weighted board .
However we want our boards to last right ? But we also want them to go great !
Then add colour via a resin tint !
At Formula Energy we have nailed the process of the tints , by doing each board meticulously from making sure you get the right blank to match the style of board . The resin tints are the perfect balance of strength to weight ratio as well as preventing the board from aging because tints do not fade like foam sprays or white boards .
Therefore your board is going to look better for longer .
Ok we can not promise you might get a few deck depressions or footwells but take that as a badge of honour !
It means you are ripping and putting everything into your surfing ! Hope that all makes sense , any questions contact us , we are always happy to help .
Above : Polished Turquoise resin tint .