The Magic of the Best One Yet Surfboard

Introducing the "Best One Yet" or "BOY"  new model performance twin fin .

It is a genuine alternative to a step up gun . A performance twin fin made for good to pumping waves . 

Premium - $795
Here in Premium Construction 
Alternative surfboards today can mean many things , the BOY is not your run of the mill performance design but it is designed to perform in good waves . Its a twin fin and if you are looking for a user friendly board for better surf or just to expand the twin fin range in solid waves then this model may be the one that you need !

Overhead is when this board really lights up 

If you are thinking you need a bigger board for when the waves get serious but are not that inspired to ride a conventional thruster , quad style "Gun"or step up then this board offers a different way to approach solid waves with confidence ,whether as a twin fin or a two-plus-one set up .

Slighter wider under the chest 

Perhaps you don't want to go down the rode of a Mid Length or already have one in the quiver but like the idea of what a twin fin offers in speed and a different feeling to your surfing especially with a little extra rail line !

The "BOY" model key features may tick theses boxes , its primarily made to be  user friendly . Please read on for the finer points !

Firstly its a Step Up Performance Twin Fin but it also has the versatility to ride as a  cruiser small wave board if you order it at least 3 to 6 inches bigger than your standard performance short board . 

Versatile and user-friendly, this board is perfect for travel quiver !

The Boy you order longer , slightly wider and tad thicker , but not much thicker than your standard go to shooter . 

USC - $895


USC Construction 

The user friendly key points are the slightly wider nose which allows you to paddle into waves real easy . The lower entry rocker which benefits a lot of surfers who are riding alternative surf craft in they everyday go to surfboards .

Eden the shaper comments ,

"If you are riding a fish or hybrid style performance fish style most days and then jump onto a high performance step up thruster . Straight out its going to feel like its pushing water and hard to paddle with its narrower outline , it doesn't matter how much foam or volume you got in there . Its really hard to adjust from a wider ,  low rocker board to high rocker narrow board for most people !

The Boy is designed to allow you to transition from hybrid fish alternate board whether its a twin fin , quad or thruster to a step up with confidence .

To make it work in good waves , the outline has a narrow tail pod with a pulled in hip design into a rounded pin tail  . A nice tight fin cluster to give you hold and drive in bigger waves .

Low performance style rails , nice overall sleek foil in the nose but slight more foam through the tail pod (just slight).

As with this design its all about having that extra rail in the water !

Bottom shape is mellow double into a deeper double concave with lot of V shape off the tail .

Options to order as straight twin or two plus one 

Fins ride with an upright style of twin fin , like MR template , Aipas or Need Essentials performance twin . 

Bigger fins for better waves its that simple .

If you need any more information or just simply struggling to find the right board of late , contact us . always happy to chat all things surfboards !

Check out the BEST ONE YET in some solid down the line waves ! Click the link below.

Watch the Best One Yet in Action on the last Swell Event !